The advantage of this program is that it encourages people in the congregation who need help to seek that help because it is more affordable. This makes Christian counseling more accessible to your congregation. It also frees the pastor from spending large amounts of time counseling people, thereby enabling him to invest his time in leading and creating a vision for his church. Increased accessibility of Christian-based professional counseling to members of the church. Provision of an onsite resource to those that the church is ministering to in the community. Positive image of the church in the community as a place that cares about the needs of people. Providing a service that enables people from outside of the church to come onto the campus of the church and have a positive experience. Serving as an onsite resource to leaders in the church who may need consultation related to those they are ministering too.
“It allows you to focus on your strengths and calling. It allows you to be proactive instead of reactive. It is like adding multiple staff members to your pastoral team without any cost to you. It makes help more accessible to people in your congregation who need it, but do not want to intrude on your busy schedule. It encourages people to take responsibility for their lives. It preserves your spiritual and emotional health. We will always advise towards reconciliation; however, it’s a fact of life that people will still disregard their church’s admonition not to divorce.”
Even these marital conflicts, however, can benefit from Christian mediation. Marital conflict impacts more than just the parties. Children, extended family, friends and church members all suffer when divorce occurs. By providing help to couples who seek divorce, Farrar Mediation can continue to offer help through biblical guidelines and principles for conflict resolution, perhaps helping pave the way for faster healing of relationships and helping one or both parties work toward spiritual maturity. Couples seeking assistance for divorce strictly through their attorneys find the process only grows in animosity. If couples are willing, Christian mediation could hopefully allow for a resolution of the necessary issues in a way that parties begin to put into practice the interactions that are most likely going to continue into the future. While the couple may never reconcile functionally, personal reconciliation might be possible in the future. Such conciliation, even in divorce, might even lead to complete reconciliation. God can and does change hearts.
Click Here to Schedule an Appointment with Attorney/Mediator Gregory P. Farrar
It allows you to focus on your strengths and calling. It allows you to be proactive instead of reactive. It is like adding multiple staff members to your pastoral team without any cost to you. It makes help more accessible to people in your congregation who need it, but do not want to intrude on your busy schedule. It encourages people to take responsibility for their lives. It preserves your spiritual and emotional health.
We will always advise towards reconciliation; however, it’s a fact of life that people will still disregard their church’s admonition not to divorce. Even these marital conflicts, however, can benefit from Christian mediation. Marital conflict impacts more than just the parties. Children, extended family, friends and church members all suffer when divorce occurs. By providing help to couples who seek divorce, Farrar Mediation can continue to offer help through biblical guidelines and principles for conflict resolution, perhaps helping pave the way for faster healing of relationships and helping one or both parties work toward spiritual maturity. Couples seeking assistance for divorce strictly through their attorneys find the process only grows in animosity.
If couples are willing, Christian mediation could hopefully allow for a resolution of the necessary issues in a way that parties begin to put into practice the interactions that are most likely going to continue into the future. While the couple may never reconcile functionally, personal reconciliation might be possible in the future. Such conciliation, even in divorce, might even lead to complete reconciliation. God can and does change hearts.
Contact Us
To discuss your family law matter with an experienced Pensacola Mediation Attorney, contact Farrar Mediation today at (850) 434-8904 or fill out the contact form.