Pensacola Alimony | Escambia County Florida | Farrar Law Firm Experienced Divorce, Personal Injury Attorney and Mediator


Frequently Asked Questions

Reaching a Resolution on Alimony

Determining who will or will not receive alimony (also called spousal maintenance) is a complex decision that is not determined by state statutes, like child support. Alimony, marital property division decisions are made at the discretion of the family court judge, after considering a number of factors presented by each client's attorney. An effective presentation of the facts can make a big difference in the outcome of an alimony case.

Experience You Can Count on in Court

The Farrar Law Firm has more than 30 years of experience dealing with spousal support cases. Our attorneys frequently work with clients to help them negotiate an appropriate support agreement. If an agreement cannot be reached, we are strong advocates for you in family court.

Factors the Family Court Judge Will Consider

Many issues will be considered when the judge arrives at a decision about whether to grant spousal support:

  • Income and property of each party
  • Needs of each party
  • Present and anticipated future earnings of each party
  • Standard of living established during marriage
  • Age, physical and emotional condition of both parties
  • Whether any valid premarital agreement or postnuptial agreement existed between the parties
  • Other factors that the courts find equitable and just

If the judge agrees to order spousal maintenance, the two issues in question will be the amount of spousal support and the duration (how long support will continue). The duration of spousal support is closely linked to the length of the marriage.

To talk with an experienced divorce lawyer about your alimony concerns in a free initial consultation at (850) 434-8904.